TLC Ministry Group

As members of the Tender Loving Care Ministry at Grace work together, their aim is to reach out to member of our congregation with a lending hand and a caring heart to fill the member’s needs a they arise.

Members of the TLC Ministry can participate by lending a helping hand in the area(s) of ministry their time allows and they are comfortable with. One requirement we ask of you as part of our ministry, is that you participate in praying the weekly prayer requests from our members.

Other area you can serve your Lord are:

  •  Reaching out to members by phone
  •  Sending greeting cards with words of encouragement & well wishes
  •  Equipping those in mourning with grieving literature
  •  Visiting members in the hospital or home
  •  Replenishing our Tote Bags/Clip Boards for children to use during worship services
  •  Prepare a casserole & such for “Meals in Need” as the need arises (new parents, members recovering)

We welcome Men and Women to join our Minisity and should you be inspired to serve your Lord in any of these areas, please contact us through the church office. Remember, no act of kindness—no matter how small—is ever wasted. Consider taking a minute or an hour to brighten someone’s rainy day. With the help of God, you have the ability to make a difference every day.

God’s Peace, Love & Joy, 

Linda Horton, TLC Coordinator
